OSAP Forms, Appeals & Reviews


Unsure how to complete fillable PDF forms? Check out Adobe's tutorial on how to complete fillable forms (external link, opens in new window) .

Don’t forget to be mindful of submitting your OSAP documents within the important dates and deadlines. Once submitted, we guarantee a three to six week turnaround for review. You can track processing times online via OSAP Document Processing Times. As your documents get reviewed, updates will be made available via your OSAP Message Centre.


If you are looking to apply for OSAP, you can do that online via the OSAP Portal (external link, opens in new window) .

If you need to submit OSAP forms to complete your application, log in to your OSAP application (external link, opens in new window) . On your Required Documents page, click on the view documents & print/upload button. From there, you will be directed to download, scan and upload required documents for your OSAP file. Be sure to upload all documents directly to your OSAP portal.

You can also access all OSAP forms online via OSAP Forms (external link, opens in new window) . Below is a consolidated list of commonly accessed OSAP forms.

We also have some Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU)-specific forms that are not available on the OSAP website, which can be found below:

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To be considered for the Ontario Bursary for Students with Disabilities (BSWD) and/or the Canada Student Grant for Services and Equipment for Persons with Permanent Disabilities (CSG-PDSE).

OSAP expects dependent students to provide parental information on their application. An Extenuating Parental Circumstances form may be considered if parental information is unavailable because of:

You were placed on OSAP academic progress through full-time OSAP, and are now applying for part-time OSAP as a result.

You have applied for part-time OSAP and indicated that you did not file Canadian taxes for the previous taxation year and did not earn any income in Canada during the previous taxation year

Complete this form to maintain interest-free status on your previous OSAP part-time student loans. You must be currently registered in a part-time course load in order to maintain interest-free status through Schedule 2.

Appeals and Reviews

If you are not receiving enough OSAP funding, you might be eligible for an OSAP Review. Students may request that their OSAP eligibility be reviewed if they have a special situation which is not recognized in the standard OSAP assessment of financial need. Note that submitting an OSAP appeal or review does not guarantee additional funding. Below are examples of common OSAP Appeals and Reviews.

Note: OSAP reviews must be submitted 40 days before the end of your study period. For a complete list of deadline dates at TMU, visit OSAP Important Dates and Deadlines. Although we can review a number of items, there are a few situations that do not qualify for review, including:

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You might be eligible for an adjustment to your living allowance.