’Tis the season: 15 holiday messages to send to employees

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You might send a holiday card to your parents, siblings, and even the mailman, but what about the people you see every weekday? Should you send a holiday message to your employees? And if so, what should it say?

Feelings of uncertainty around personal messages in a professional environment are normal. How should you word your message? How much detail should it have? Are there faux pas surrounding particular holidays you may celebrate but your colleagues don’t? These are all fair questions.

But generally speaking, holiday wishes are considerate and can offer a great morale boost for those you work with.

Work and holidays do mix, if handled with care. Let’s delve into why it’s worth taking the time to get a little personal with your colleagues and employees.

Keeping morale high

Holidays probably put spring in your step. When you walk around the office excited to celebrate, your joyful mood might be infectious to those around you.

Harness this energy in that happy holiday message to your team. Passing the holiday spirit to your team members doesn’t just make people smile — it influences their productivity and how feel about their workplace. Recognizing your staff is one employee engagement tool that’s completely free.

And it’s important. A recent study found that only 15% of employees think their workplace is highly engaged. When not even a quarter of employees feel engaged at work, it’s a problem.

There are, of course, actions you can take to address this. Research has found a link between connection and recognition in the workplace. Lack of recognition damages the feeling of connection between managers, employees, and the organization itself.

Applauding workers for their achievements or the work they perform strengthens this sense of engagement and connection within an organization. Making your reports understand you value their work is a surefire way to boost their productivity and mood.

But it’s not all about work. Sending off a more personal message around the holidays is another way to make employees feel recognized. It’s shows that you’re thinking about them even outside the office. And it doesn’t have to be anything fancy. Thanking them for a great year could subtly boost to employee incentive and motivation around the office.

15 holiday message samples to send to your employees

Are you in need of some inspiration for your holiday card messages? We have you covered with employee appreciation ideas to incorporate into your notes. Often, just a sentence or two will do the trick. You don’t have to spend hours coming up with the perfect message. It’s the thought that counts, as they say.

Before we get into the messages, a word on inclusivity: you can, and should, tailor these messages to your employees so that they don’t feel left out if they celebrate Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, or other holidays. Don’t send holiday greetings that say “Merry Christmas!” and leave it at that — not everyone celebrates Christmas, and it’s important to acknowledge that.

You don’t have to spend hours writing paragraphs for each employee to convey your warmest wishes. As long as your words are meaningful, a sentence or two will do the trick.


Here are 15 holiday messages to staff samples for some inspiration:

  1. “Season’s greetings to you and your family. I hope you have a prosperous new year and enjoy your time off . You deserve it.”
  2. “Thank you for your attention to detail and the positive attitude you’ve always carried with you. I hope you have a wonderful holiday.”
  3. “I’m grateful for the creative mind you bring to your team and the joy you inspire with your ideas. Have a very happy holiday.”
  4. “Your dedication, work ethic, and creativity make all of our lives a lot easier. Thank you, and have a happy and safe holiday.”
  5. “I’m so grateful to have an amazing employee like you on our team. You inspire others with your positive attitude and kind demeanor. Wishing you all the best on this day of celebration.”
  6. “I’m proud of your ambition this past year. You achieved every goal you set and became a role model for others. Have a joyful holiday, and I can’t wait to see what you accomplish in the year ahead.”
  7. “Wishing a very happy Kwanzaa celebration to you and your family. You’re such a wonderful asset to this team, and I hope you know how appreciated you are.”
  8. “Thank you for always sharing your valuable ideas. You make us stronger as a team. Happy holidays!”
  9. “I’ve always admired your clear communication skills and how you interact with customers. Best wishes for the upcoming celebrations.”
  10. “Your public speaking has improved so much in the last year. I’ve seen your hard work, and it’s paid off. Have a happy holiday season, and I’ll see you in the new year.”
  11. “Whether you’re covering for a sick employee or taking extra time to help a customer, your dedication never goes unnoticed. Have a wonderful Hannukah!”
  12. “Happy Chinese New Year! I hope you ring in the new year with lots of fun knowing this team is so proud to have you.”
  13. “You never fail to recognize other people’s success, so I need to recognize yours more often. Thank you for being a loyal and trustworthy employee for all these years. Have a lovely holiday.”
  14. “The difference you make to our team is astounding. Thank you for joining the company this year, and I hope you enjoy your well-deserved rest this festive season!”
  15. “Thank you for always being someone I can count on. Have a joyous holiday.”


Don’t save the holiday messages for December

When someone says “Happy holidays,” what time of the year do you think of? Your answer is probably around December, but there are various important cultural dates all year.

That’s why it’s vital to send holiday messages throughout the year rather than in the winter. You don’t need to save your happy holiday wishes for employees until the end of the year — spread some joy year-round.

Greetings and well-wishes extend to most holidays and celebrations. Your employees might appreciate a nice message or greeting card for:


Aside from holidays, birthdays, work anniversaries, or other notable personal days are a nice time to make employees feel appreciated. People take notice when you spend the time sending personalized messages to celebrate big days, whether work-related, personal, or holidays.

Expressing gratitude for your employees never gets old. Your warm wishes go a long way and add a special touch to any holiday by making your staff feel appreciated. Personalized holiday messages to employees show them you care about them not just as workers but as people.

Don’t forget those that aren’t in the mood to celebrate

Though it might be the most wonderful time of year for you, it’s important to remember that not everyone is in the mood to celebrate. Some people experience grief during the holidays, making it a sad and stressful time. Heading into the holidays could go hand in hand with the holiday blues, holiday stress, or depression.

While many hide it well, this could be a difficult time they’re having trouble coping with.


Here are five causes of the holiday blues to be aware of:

  1. Busy schedules: Between preparing for holiday celebrations and working during one of the busiest times of the year, it’s no surprise this is a stressful time.
  2. Pressure: Everyone wants the holidays to be a special time, but putting too much pressure on individuals and setting unrealistic goals for the season adds to the stress.
  3. Separation: This might be someone’s first holiday away from family and loved ones. It can be hard to adjust to change when breaking away from traditions.
  4. Grief: After losing a loved one, the holiday season may feel different for some. This can impact moods, outlooks on the holiday, and mental health.
  5. Seasonal affective disorder: Many holidays roll around the time of year when s easonal affective disorder is in full swing. Experiencing this phenomenon could impact celebrations.

While you may not be able to provide the support and comfort your employees need, a work holiday message that thoughtfully acknowledges the holiday blues and links to helpful resources can go a long way.

Don’t forget to be respectful, show your appreciation, and send your warmest wishes to your employees. Kind words at any time of year are always a wonderful gift.

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