Problem Statement: Write a program to build a simple Student Management System using Python which can perform the following operations:
Approach: Below is the approach to doing the above operations:
# Method to enter new student details def accept(self, Name, Rollno, marks1, marks2 ): # Creates a new class constructor # and pass the details ob = Student(Name, Rollno, marks1, marks2 ) # list containing objects of student class ls.append(ob)
# Function to display student details def display(self, ob): print("Name : ", print("RollNo : ", ob.rollno) print("Marks1 : ", ob.m1) print("Marks2 : ", ob.m2) print("\n")
# Search Function def search(self, rn): for i in range(ls.__len__()): # iterate through the list containing # student object and checks through # roll no of each object if(ls[i].rollno == rn): # returns the object with matching # roll number return i
# Delete Function def delete(self, rn): # Calls the search function # created above i = del ls[i]
# Update Function def update(self, rn, No): # calling the search function # of student class i = ls[i].rollno = No
Below is the implementation of the above approach: