ECE Courses

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Projected Course Schedules

Undergraduate Resources

Permanent Course Descriptions and Outlines


Introduction to ECE Design

An introduction to basic concepts useful for all areas of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Focus on hands-on, team-based activities using robotics.


Special Topics

Used for courses under development or courses being offered only one time.
Last digit indicates number of credit hours.


ECE Seminar

Speakers with diverse backgrounds and representing many different
industries, professions, and institutions describe their experiences,
entrepreneurial ventures, and research challenges.


ECE Seminar

Speakers with diverse backgrounds and representing many different
industries, professions, and institutions describe their experiences,
entrepreneurial ventures, and research challenges.


ECE Seminar

Speakers with diverse backgrounds and representing many different
industries, professions, and institutions describe their experiences,
entrepreneurial ventures, and research challenges.


Fundamentals of Digital System Design

Computer system and digital design principles. Switch and gate design, Boolean algebra, number systems, arithmetic, storage elements. Datapath, memory organization. Instruction set architecture, assembly language.


Introduction to Signal Processing

Introduction to discrete-time signal processing and linear systems. Sampling theorem. Filtering. Frequency response. Discrete Fourier Transform. Z Transform. Laboratory emphasizes computer-based signal processing.


Digital Design Laboratory

Design and implementation of digital systems, including a team design project. CAD tools, project design methodologies, logic synthesis, and assembly language programming.


Programming for Hardware/Software Systems

Creation of complex execution and storage mechanisms, based on instruction set architecture, for software design including high-level programming languages and operating systems. Programming design projects.


Engineering Software Design

Object-oriented software methods for engineering applications. Numerical analysis methods; simulations and graphical presentation of simulation results; analysis of numerical precision. Programming projects.


Circuit Analysis

Basic concepts of DC and AC circuit theory and analysis.


Practical Skills and Design

This course teaches practical skills, such as soldering and prototyping, and introduces students to ECE design.


Research Assistantship

Independent research conducted under the guidance of a faculty member.


Undergraduate Research

Independent research conducted under the guidance of a faculty member.


ECE 2283 HPC

The second offering of an Honors Program course that provides a creative experience for Honors students and also provides a direct course substitution for ECE2031.


Practical Skills and Design

This course teaches practical skills, such as soldering and laying out printed circuit boards, for students to be able to design and build their own applications.


Special Topics

Used for courses under development or courses being offered only one time.
Last digit indicates number of credit hours.


Professional and Technical Communications for ECE

Written, oral, and visual communication skills required by electrical and computer engineers. Prepares students for advanced communication tasks required in academic and professional settings.



To present the laws and applications of electromagnetics.


Physical Foundations of Computer Engineering

Basic principles governing the physical realization of computing systems and their relationship to characteristics such as performance, energy, and robustness. Implementation technologies.


Microelectronic Circuits

Basic concepts of microelectronic materials, devices and circuits.


Measurements, Circuits and Microelectronics Laboratory

Theory and experiments related to the design, analysis, construction, and measurement of elementary passive and active analog circuits using both discrete and integrated devices.


Architecture, Systems, Concurrency and Energy in Computation

Basic organizational principles of the major components of a processor, e.g., the core, memory hierarchy, I/O subsystem and basic operating system constructs that utilize them.


Electrical Energy Systems

Non-renewable and renewable/sustainable energy sources. Processes, costs, and environmental impact of conversion into electric energy. Delivery and control of electric energy, electromechanical systems.


Introduction to Probability and Statistics for ECE

Introduction to probability, random variables, distributions, estimation, confidence intervals, linear regression and other tools for describing and managing uncertainty in electrical and computer engineering.


Signals and Systems

Continuous-time linear systems and signals, their mathematical representations, and computational tools; Fourier and Laplace transforms, convolutions, input-output responses, stability.


VLSI and Advanced Digital Design

Advanced digital design issues in the context of VLSI systems. Introduction to a design methodology that encompasses the range from architectural models to circuit simulation.


Cryptographic Hardware for Embedded Systems

Introduction to cryptography and authentication from a hardware-centric perspective. Historic ciphers, symmetric and asymmetric encryption, and power analysis attacks are taught from a digital and VLSI design perspective.


Optimization for Information Systems

An introduction to the fundamentals of optimization with a focus on algorithms and applications in signal processing, control systems, machine learning, and robotics.


Electromechanical and Electromagnetic Energy Conversion

Introduction to three phase power systems, electromechanical energy conversion and operating principles of electric machines.


Analog Electronics

Analysis and design of electronic circuits and systems. Biasing, small-signal analysis, frequency response, feedback amplifiers, active filters, non-linear op-amp applications, and oscillators.


Semiconductor Devices

Properties of semiconductor devices. Applications in current and future computers, fiber optic and wireless communication systems. Future needs of high frequency, GHz-range, device operation.


Feedback Control Systems

Analysis and design of control systems. Laplace transforms, transfer functions, and stability. Feedback systems: tracking and disturbance rejection. Graphical design techniques.